Tuesday, October 8, 2019

I'm back!!! Introduction

Hello and welcome back to the blog!!! It's been a few years since I've been here and it's pretty dusty (cough cough). 🤣 I spent some time blogging my last pregnancy with one of my besties but when little man arrived, most things took a back seat. However, things are going smoothly again (knock on wood) and I'm back to attempt this blogging thing again. No guarantees it will be perfect. Honestly I am doing this for myself right now. I'm sure no one will even notice, but I renamed the blog to match the gram. Soooooo, here is an introduction!

1. My name is Becca Hickman. I'm an extroverted introvert. I know, I've heard, no such thing. But I swear, I enjoy people. I'm very outgoing around others but I get drained from it so quickly. I am perfectly happy staying home on my couch. :)

2. My husband and I have been married for 12 years this June!! One of the hardest and best things in this world is marriage. It has it's hurdles but it is oh so worth it. 

3. We have two little boys, ages 6 and 3, and they are our world. They are complete opposites in most ways but share a couple of similarities. 

4. I am in LOVE with holidays, especially Christmas! There is something about these times of the year that fill my heart.

5. Decorating for said holidays brings me joy. Also, I'm one of those people who decorates for Christmas the day after Halloween. Christmas tree, stockings, Santas, all the things.

6. I am on my eleventh year of teaching middle school. I graduated with an elementary degree but there weren't any jobs out there. I ended up getting hired 8 hours before the first day of school at a middle school. I truly feel that was God doing for me what I didn't know I needed. 

7. I love Hallmark movies! I feel like it's a love or hate thing and I am one of those people who love them. I'm a sucker for a happy, feel good movie. There's enough bad out there. 

8. Comfort is my happy place. Comfy clothes, comfort food, comfort smell (yes, I think that's a thing). Mine is balsam /Christmas Tree, coffee brewing, and rain.

9. I'm a bibliophile! I love to read, re-read, collect books, instagram books. I haven't always been a reader. It started with a certain series in high school and an amazing author after college. 

10. We are born and raised in South Georgia. There are many things I love about it down here, but the heat and lack of seasons are not two of them. I mean, hello! A lover of holidays needs four true seasons. And man, what my boys and I wouldn't give to see snow every year!

Let's Connect!

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